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'The Cappuccino'

Black cuttlefish cappuccino, hot potato mousse, crispy bread cannoli with creamed cod, mandarin gel

Euro 16.00



Baked shrimp wrapped in Colonnata lard, cream of pumpkin violin, her seeds, almond and rosemary crumble and Colonnata lard

Euro 15.00


'Il Rombo'

Turbot and Potato Fish and Chips, lime sauce, caper and fermented gherkin

Euro 15.00


The Deer'

Marinated deer carpaccio, beertroot in saor, raspberry kefir, sumac, ceral bread crumbs, Gin Tonic parfume

Euro 16.00


'The Scottona'

Scottona tartare, black truffle zabaglione, currant coulis, hezelnuts, green apple pearls

Euro 16.00



Our potato frico and Montasio in 3 ages.. Herbs and essences

Euro 14.00






'The dumplings'

Potato gnocchi with scampi cream, their tartare and forest scents, sage powder

Euro 17.00


'The Fettuccine'

Fettuccine flavoredwith coffee, white sea bass, porcini and walnut

Euro 16.00


'The Pasta of Gragnano'

Mixed pasta from Gragnano, creamy soup of beans, mussels, radicchio from Castelfranco, pork cheeks from Sauris

Euro 15.00


'The Tortellino'

Tortellini 'del Mignolo' with San Daniele ham, creamy Parmesan 40 months, chicken broth, his croquette

Euro 14.00


'The Carbonara Friulana'

Tagliatelle 30 egg yolks, smoked ricotta, Montasio very old, hint of truffle

Euro 14.00


'The Pappardelle'

Blueberry pappardelle, veal raguttino, light fondue of Formadi Frant cheese, Treviso radicchio and toasted pine nuts

Euro 14.00






'The Sea bass'

Roasted sea bass steak, sauteed spinach, vegetable curry, burnt lemon powder, 'Carbonara' potato

Euro 23.00


'The Calamari'

Seared squid, cream of cannellini beans, Nduja, braised radicchio, fried artichoke

Euro 20.00


'The Lamb'

Slow-cooked rack of lamb, pistachio terrine of aubergines, Jerusalem artichokes, chamomille gel, roasted carrot jus

Euro 22.00


'The Beef'

Grilled Scottona, potato croquette, three pepper sauce, stewed pak choi

Euro 21.00


'The Veal'

'Dark' veal cheek with Refosco wine, potato mousse, crispy polenta with Panko bread

Euro 21.00


'Il Polletto'

Chicken rollatina with chestnuts, millefeuille of Mornay potatoes, porcini mushrooms, Port sauce and coffee

euro 19.00



Secondi di pesce
Primi di pesce
Antipasti sfiziosi
Primi di pesce
Tavola raffinata
Cena romantica
Secondi di carne
Porcini e Capesante
Abbinamenti vino e carne
Antipasto di pesce
Primi di pesce
I dolci Ca' Muliner